Venture Outfitter Weekly
ZoomEvery Thursday Kevin Koym hosts an interactive broadcast with entrepreneurs and invited guests discussing current and relevant topics to support and enable founders, impactful innovation and changing the world for...
Every Thursday Kevin Koym hosts an interactive broadcast with entrepreneurs and invited guests discussing current and relevant topics to support and enable founders, impactful innovation and changing the world for...
Cultivating Your Inner Artist: The Benefits of a Creative Practice for Entrepreneurs Engaging in a personal creative practice provides benefits for your business. For leaders and founders, a creative practice...
Every Thursday Kevin Koym hosts an interactive broadcast with entrepreneurs and invited guests discussing current and relevant topics to support and enable founders, impactful innovation and changing the world for...
In this week's VO weekly, we're going to hear from Greg Stephens, together with Kevin Koym, the topic will be around conflict resolution and the hidden cost of handling conflict...
Wow! It’s been 20 years since I started working with entrepreneurs. Those humble beginnings were in Santiago, Chile. And this work has taken me to build several organizations and work...
Throwing Yourself Off the Cliff: Going from Avocation to Vocation You dream and work to step across a tribal boundary. To do this you will go through a rite of...
"Reporting In From the Community" In this week's VO weekly: As we grow within the Tech Ranch community, led by CEO Kevin Koym, let us celebrate the vibrant spirit of entrepreneurship and empower one another to reach new heights in the ever-evolving online landscape. Get ready to immerse yourself in a dynamic event designed for...
What They Really Want (and it’s not your product) In this VO weekly, we're going to hear a discussion about what customers are really looking for. Together with Tech Ranch CEO Kevin Koym, and Dr. Royce Johnson, Employing understanding as rocket fuel for innovation: Once businesses have a deep understanding of what customers seek, they...
In the dynamic world of startups, artificial intelligence (AI) holds tremendous potential for revolutionizing customer experiences. In this podcast, Kevin Koym and Jeffrey Dirrenberger explores how entrepreneurs can harness the benefits of AI by addressing ethical and legal concerns and leveraging its capabilities to enhance operational efficiency and content delivery. The podcast delves into various...
You are invited to the CX, SXSW & Sister Cities Celebration from Adelaide SA to Austin TX that will celebrate the 40 year sister city relationship from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia to Austin, Texas, USA where y’all are welcome. The event will focus on innovations in Customer Experience (CX), sharing insights from SXSW 2023 in...
Attend if you would like to learn, among Kevin Koym and Joe Milam how to move beyond 'pitching' and approach serious investors how they want to be approached. You will learn about the power of transparency & proper Investor Relations. Find out about overlooked tax incentives (few vcs even know about them) that will accelerate...
In this VO weekly, discover how you can maximize starting and participating in a Venture Bridge and let us revisit some of the success stories that have come out of this meaningful connections between countries, entrepreneurs, and technologies. How Entrepreneurs Can Build Global Bridges: At Tech Ranch®, entrepreneurs can gain operational and tactical insight, along...